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Embrace Child Care Ministries

Embrace Child Care Ministries was founded by Pastor Daniel and Erica Kaggwa in Mukono – Bulk District. Embrace functions under the umbrella of Sign of the Dove Church, where Pastor Daniel & Erica serve as senior leaders.

Pastor Daniel serves as the Director of an Alliance for a Uganda Without Orphans and is also involved with the organization, a World Without Orphans. Pastor Daniel also serves as the Uganda country coordinator for Orphan Sunday with the Christian Alliance for Orphans.

The heart of their church planting ministry and Embrace School is to see every orphan and vulnerable child placed into a family.

Pastor Daniel & Erica have a true passion and love for orphans and vulnerable children and strive to provide a holistic care environment where every child is provided with the proper food and nutrition, education and healthcare, all in a loving, Christ centered environment.

“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”
–James 1:27