I never imagined in my life I would be a part of of a real estate deal competing against a witch doctor.
I know the real estate market has been hot over the past couple of years with multiple competing offers as the norm, but a witch doctor?
Why the Urgency? The ramifications of us not securing this land will have dire consequences for the kids at the orphan care center and the community as a whole.
Witchcraft, church persecution, and demonic spells and attacks on the kids, the schools and businesses of the community.
I am leaving for Uganda in eight days, Lord willing. We are trying to raise $120,000 to secure these two parcels of land to be the light of Jesus in this community. In just the past few days, we have raised just over $20,545 towards our need.
I know there is major spiritual warfare going on as we are trying to build a Christ centered high school and medical clinic where kids will learn and people will be treated and healed by and through the power of Jesus.
We have been working on a plan to buy land adjacent to the orphan care center where we are serving to build a high school and medical center. The two parcels of land we are wanting to buy for these efforts are in jeopardy of being bought by others.
Our ultimate goal is to purchase the four parcels in red next to the existing campus in blue which will cost $250,000. Right now we have turned our focus on parcels 1 & 2 for the school and clinic which we will need $120,000.
Actually, Parcel number one, where we are planning to build the high school, came up for foreclosure recently and a land investor bought one acre right in the middle of all our building plans. Thankfully, he is willing to sell it to us, but at a marked up price.
But we have just found out there is a witch doctor trying to buy the other acre in parcel number one, less than fifty yards from the nursery school and as you can see is in close proximity to the entire orphan care center.
The yellow square is where the guy bought the acre and directly below the yellow square, highlighted in white, is where they are wanting to build the witch doctor shrine.
The other parcel, where we are planning to build the medical center is currently being pursued for purchase by a Muslim cleric to build a Muslim high school, also highlighted in white.
Do you think these two parcels of land that are being pursued for these purposes by accident? I don’t think so.
For our fight is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, and against spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:12
Would you prayerfully consider giving towards this urgent need. This investment is so much more than just land, it really will be the difference of whether this land will be used for light or darkness.
I don’t often feel overwhelmed, but this last month has tested my limits.
In late June, our family was in South Dakota doing an estate sale and preparing the home of my mother and father in law for sale. To watch their transition from an amazing lake home to an assisted living home has been emotional, to say the least.
So many memories flood our minds as we have spent almost all of our major holidays and summer months at the lake. In the midst of the memories, the reality of watching my in-laws go from the healthy, energetic water skiing grandparents, to the need for more care in their daily lives has been hard. Nothing prepares you for this difficult transition.
As we headed back home to Oklahoma, just days later we would send our daughter Katelyn off to Florida for a big youth convention and mission experience for over a week. The very next day, we were headed to Oklahoma City in preparation for our daughter Hope’s, open heart surgery. Reagan held down the fort watching our new dog, Buck.
I don’t wish this experience on any parent. There is nothing like entrusting your child to the Lord as you send them off to have a major heart surgery. Since Hope has had 8 heart procedures, three of them open heart surgeries, the process becomes more familiar, but it never gets easier.
In the midst of these major family events, I was also trying to manage and help in the continued growth of our new business, Mission Roofing, and our ministry work with Faces With Names International. And did I mention we are trying to raise $250,000 to purchase land in Uganda to build a medical outreach hospital, a high school and additional farm land to grow food and gardens. No pressure!
As God has brought us through our time with Susan’s parents, still ongoing, but God is good! Our daughter Katelyn had amazing experience on her mission trip and Hope has had successful heart surgery and is recovering well, I know God is in control.
With each act of God’s faithfulness, my focus once again turns to our partnership in Uganda and the work we are striving for there to care for orphans and vulnerable children and families.
The family events of this past month have not been the only events bringing overwhelming feelings into my life.
We have been working on a campaign we are calling, Embrace the Vision, to purchase six parcels of land around the current orphan care campus to build a medical outreach hospital, a high school, a soccer field for the high school, additional farmland and gardens to feed the children, and a new kitchen and eating area for children and staff.
As I stated before, the estimated purchase price for these 12 plus acres is $250,000. Our plan has been to raise the entire amount so our Ugandan partners could negotiate the lowest price on the different parcels of land, since there are multiple owners.
Right in the middle of our family events, I was informed by our ministry partner, Pastor Daniel, the parcel of land that is immediately adjacent to the current campus, and where the high school is slated to be built, was being foreclosed.
This initially seemed like a positive for us, but before we knew it, a land investor purchased one acre right in the middle of the land we are planning to develop. The semi good news is, the land investor is willing to sell us this acre, but of course, for much more than he purchased the acre.
As if that was not enough, the parcel of land we are planning to build the medical outreach hospital on is being pursued by a Muslim Cleric to build a Muslim high school.
So how does 5 of the 12 acres we want become such a hot commodity right in the middle of a crazy season in our lives, in a country with almost 60 million total acres in its territory, and where most people make less than $300 a month in salary?
Welcome to the spiritual battlefield of caring for orphans and vulnerable children and families in the name of Jesus.Are you beginning to understand why I have been feeling a little overwhelmed?
So our strategy has changed. Our desire is to still purchase all 12 acres for $250,000. But for now, it is essential for us to secure the two parcels of land immediately adjacent to the campus. We are estimating this could take up to $120,000 to purchase these two parcels which equal just over five acres.
The blue outline is the current existing campus. Parcel 1 is for the High School. Parcel 2 is for the Medical Outreach Hospital. Parcel 3 for the new kitchen and eating facilities. Parcel 4 is for the soccer field and gardens.
So why is this important and why should you feel compelled to give?
When vulnerable children and vulnerable mothers and their unborn babies die needlessly from lack of food and treatable diseases, we have to act.
When these same orphans and vulnerable children do not have a school to attend beyond the eight grade, we have to act.
When the government rescues vulnerable girls and entrusts them to your care, we must act.
This is real life sounds of freedom stuff where we are keeping God’s children from being sold. But we can’t accomplish any of this if we don’t have the land to build the buildings and grow the food.
This is going to sound crazy, but Lord willing, I am leaving for Uganda on August 10th. I am praying for a crazy faith miracle that we can raise this $120,000 by the time I leave.
Our new company, Mission Roofing, has given the first $5000 towards the land purchase. Will you join us in making this crazy idea a reality?
Let me break this down to see how this can happen:
120 people getting 10 of their friends or family, including themselves to give $100 each. 120 x $1000 = $120,000
1200 people each giving $100. 1200 X $100 = $120,000.
And we are never opposed if you want to give a large donation to get us there quicker or can only make a small donation. We can watch God increase like loaves and fishes as we all chip in.
Will you be a part of this crazy God story?
I have never been a part of something that has gone viral, but would you share this to see what happens?
$120,000 in two weeks, only by Crazy Faith, God and You!
A motorcycle ride, just before midnight, in Kathmandu, Nepal, changed the course of my life.
As I climbed on the back of the motorcycle with one of our ministry partners, I wanted to see with my own eyes, the orphans on the streets of Kathmandu. My life would never be the same when I looked into their eyes and learned their names.
We did not even make it a quarter of a mile before we encountered our first group of children. Each boy was sitting inside of a small box and the rest of the cardboard was being used to fuel the fire.
One young boy answered the questions being asked of him. His name was Robin, and he was 12 years old. He told us he had been on the streets on his own, since the age of 2. I was still trying to process the fact that this 12 year old boy was out on the streets close to midnight, when I heard he had been on his own since the age of 2.
Center, on the curb – Robin (12 years old)
This experience brought to life a quote I had heard from David Platte, which says:
“We learned orphans are easier to ignore before you know their names. They are easier to ignore before you see their faces. It is easier to pretend they’re not real before you hold them in your arms. But once you do, everything changes.”
On this night, everything did change for me. I was confronted with the faces, the names, & the stories of orphans on the streets, and I was not alright with it all.
And this is how, Faces With Names, came into existence.
My heart and desire has always been to make the orphan real to people, to you. Not just a statistic, not just someone else’s problem or responsibility.
Last week, I tried to be as open, honest and vulnerable as I could with you as I shared about this renewed calling I heard from God while driving a forklift at Walmart.
As I write this email, I come with the same vulnerability and humility, asking you to join us on our journey in laying the foundation of serving orphans and widows in Uganda and beyond.
Our monthly partners will be the life blood of all we will be able to accomplish, with God’s help, through Faces With Names International.
We have put together a simple chart for you to consider where you might join us:
May I share a moment of brutal honesty? I hope you answered yes, because here it goes. There is an element of my pride and ego that hates having to rely on others to do what God has called me to do.
But as God has chiseled away my pride and ego in preparation for what we are doing, I believe wholeheartedly, I have the privilege to invite you to join us in raising up a new generation of leaders, who once held the stigma of being called orphans and widows, to now fulfilling their God given purpose.
Our vision statement comes straight from the verse, James 1:27, which is the Biblical mandate to care for orphans and widows.
Our vision: To give you the opportunity to care for orphans and widows in their distress.
I truly believe that everyone who partners with us in prayer and giving is truly living out the Biblical mandate to care for orphans and widows in their distress.
Will you be 1 of the 176 monthly partners who allow us to fulfill our mission and vision through Faces With Names International?
Our goal this first week is to see 25 new monthly donors, at any level, join our team and partner with us.
If you have considered partnering with us, or been on the fence, would you jump into the deep end with us as we rely on God to provide all we need.
I don’t take for granted what it means for you to give of your resources. I give my full fledge promise, we will be good stewards of every dollar entrusted to us!